Cross Platform App Development for Android, iOS and web in Germany

Cross-platform app development is the ideal combination of platform coverage and price in Germany.

Development for multiple platforms

We have already successfully supported over 100 projects with our UX/UI design team. But are we also the right partner for your team? To help us find out, we offer new customers our service for 14 days

Selbst die besten hybriden Frameworks können native plattformspezifische Apps aber nicht immer voll ersetzen. Wir erklären, wann Cross Platform seine Stärken voll ausspielt, und wann ihr besser weiter auf Native Apps setzt.

iOS apps
We develop your apps for the iOS marketplace
Android apps
We develop your apps for the Google Play store marketplace
Web Apps
We develop your apps for the web, available through a device

How cross-platform Apps Boost Your Business and Save Time

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Google Pixel and iPhone 15 mockups both side by side.
Benefit 1

Basics of Multi-Platform Development

Finding someone who is the perfect fit for your team is often a long, arduous process that also involves high costs. Since complicated isn't our thing at all, you can get to know our team with just a few clicks and even test it free of charge for 14 days.

Nur wenige haben das Budget, um für iOS, Android und das Web je eine gut gemachte App bereitzuhalten.Kein Wunder also, dass Cross-Platform-Frameworks wie React Native entstanden sind. Sie sollen diesen Spagat lösen und auch kleineren Firmen ansprechende Apps ermöglichen.

Durch die einheitliche Single Codebase fällt der Entwicklungs- und Update-Aufwand nur einmal an.Somit fließt das gesamte Budget dorthin, wo es wirklich gebraucht wird. Nämlich in ausgereifte Apps, perfekte UX und User-Interface-Design mit Wow-Effekt. Nur so kann ein Business seine User begeistern und im heutigen harten Wettbewerb bestehen.
Benefit 2

Benefits of cross-platform app development

Maximale Reichweite

Smartphone-User lassen sich heute nicht mehr mit einer “Mobilversion” abspeisen. Sie erwarten die UX einer nativen App - überall. Cross-Platform-Entwicklung sorgt dafür, dass dein Projekt überall zu finden ist und nie im Mittelmaß untergeht.

Fokus auf das, was wirklich zählt

Keine teuren separaten Entwicklungen mehr. Kein Bedarf für mehrere Entwickler für separate Techstacks. Das gesamte Budget fließt dahin, wo es wirklich gebraucht wird. In
UX, die deine User überzeugt und dein Business aus der Masse herausstechen lässt.

Minimaler Wartungsaufwand

Kein separates Patching und Updating für mehrere Plattformen mehr. Keine Abhängigkeit von Review-Prozessen der App-Stores. Cross-Plattform-Entwicklung sorgt dafür, dass die Arbeit deines Development Teams sofort bei deinen Usern ankommt.
Benefit 3

Basics of Multi-Platform Development

We're here for you 24/7! Within just 48 hours, our team is ready to assist you. And the best thing about it? We not only offer short-term help, but are also there for you in the long term! With us, you get the flexibility of a freelancer and the security of a permanent employee.

Kein Wunder also, dass Cross-Platform-Frameworks wie React Native entstanden sind. Sie sollen diesen Spagat lösen und auch kleineren Firmen ansprechende Apps ermöglichen. Durch die einheitliche Single Codebase fällt der Entwicklungs- und Update-Aufwand nur einmal an.

Somit fließt das gesamte Budget dorthin, wo es wirklich gebraucht wird. Nämlich in ausgereifte Apps, perfekte UX und User-Interface-Design mit Wow-Effekt. Nur so kann ein Business seine User begeistern und im heutigen harten Wettbewerb bestehen.
Benefit 4

Challenges in cross-platform app development

Our designs should not only impress your customers, but also your development team. With our extensive technical expertise, we make life easier for your developers and make it possible to implement new features faster. We don't work for, but with your team!

In solchen Fällen seid ihr nach wie vor mit Native App Development besser bedient. Bei fast jeder “normalen” App lassen heutige Cross-Platform-Frameworks keine Wünsche übrig.

Einige meinen, die UI von Cross-Plattform-Apps würde sich schlecht auf die jeweilige Plattform abstimmen lassen. Das halten wir für ein Gerücht. Wenn ihr eine perfekte und stimmige UX für euer Projekt wollt, ist das auch mit React Native machbar. Unser starkes UX/UI-Design-Team kann Cross-Plattform-Apps bauen, die überall wie eine native App aussehen.

Comparison: Native versus cross-platform app development

Klassische Apps werden mit dem SDK bzw. Platform App Development Framework für das jeweilige Mobile Operating System geschrieben und anschließend kompiliert. Dadurch bieten sie maximale Performance und bekommen vollen Zugriff auf alle Geräte- und Plattformfeatures. Allerdings müssen sie für jedes System separat programmiert werden.

React-Native-Apps dagegen werden wie eine Website programmiert - “HTML, CSS, and JavaScript”. Um als App laufen zu können, brauchen sie also eine Abstraction Layer oder einen WebView-Container. Diese Abstraktion erlaubt es, mit einer einzigen Code Base für alle Systeme auszukommen. Sie kostet allerdings etwas Performance, und nicht jede Plattform gibt solchen Apps Zugriff auf alle ihre Features.
Before we start app development, we must first define clear goals. To do this, we screen your company and develop an effective monetization model for your app.
Native Features
The design serves as a blueprint for your app. Here we consider how the app must be structured to achieve the previously defined goals. Good design is the basis for every successful app.
Development Complexity
With the help of a prototype, we can test your app on users before it is developed. In this way, we ensure that the app is accepted as planned after development.
During the entire development phase, you will receive permanent updates on your project. In doing so, we enable you to always be integrated into the development process, even without a deeper understanding.
Once your app is fully developed and tested, we will of course also help you publish your app so that your app works from day 1 without you having to worry about anything.
Support & updates
We won't leave you out in the rain. Should there be any problems with your app, we are always immediately available for you. But we are also happy to take care of other functions for your app!

Award winning subscription-based design

Our team has already over 100 projects supervised in the area of UX/UI design and was recently even supported by the German Web Award excellent. Anyone who needs really good UX/UI design in Germany comes to us.
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Cross-platform projects App development.

First impressions count and not just when dating! We'll make sure that your customers will catch on immediately in the future as well.

Leipzig Beatzz

A radio station that had its DAB frequency stolen. The solution? A brand-new cross-platform app, which means that loyal listeners can now not only turn on the live stream at any time, but also get an overview of which events are currently pending in Leipzig. As a result, we were not only able to help the operator survive, but also to open up new business areas for themselves.

Employee actions

The task was to design an app that would enable every company to offer their own bonus program for employees. For this purpose, we have created both a light and a dark design of the app, which can be easily combined with the main colors of the partner companies. A simple solution that offers maximum flexibility to reach more customers.


Welcome to the magical world of bookboxes. A place especially for all book lovers. Imagine entering our realm and being greeted by an endless sea of books. As you move on, a magical feed opens that provides you with the latest stories, topics, and news from the world of books. Here you will not only find books, but also special treasures such as rifle merch, exclusive editions, boxes and book covers that complete your reading experience.

customer feedback

We couldn't have asked for a better partner than KNGURU for our app launch! Their expertise, dedication, and creativity were instrumental in bringing our vision to life. KNGURU helped us navigate through the complexities of developing our MVP, offering invaluable insights and solutions every step of the way.

Thanks to their team's hard work and innovative approach, our app launch was nothing short of amazing. We're thrilled with the results and look forward to continuing our partnership with KNGURU for future projects!
- Lisa, CEO of bookbox
We are incredibly grateful for the partnership with KNGURU in launching our app for school and kindergarten teachers. Knguru's expertise and support were indispensable in bringing our vision to fruition. Their team not only helped us develop a robust MVP but also provided valuable insights and guidance throughout the process.

Thanks to KNGURU, our app launch was a resounding success, empowering educators to efficiently organize kids and classrooms. We highly recommend KNGURU to anyone seeking innovative solutions and exceptional service
- Tom, CEO of Valudimensions
Working with KNGURU was an absolute game changer for us at Leipzigbeatzz. Their team's expertise and dedication were instrumental in bringing our app to life. From conceptualization to launch, KNGURU guided us through every step of the process with unparalleled professionalism and creativity. With their help, we were able to develop a sleek MVP that exceeded our expectations.

The app's successful launch, offering users seamless access to events, ticket purchasing, and notifications, is a testament to Knguru's exceptional skills and commitment to excellence. We couldn't be happier with the results and look forward to continuing our partnership with KNGURU for future endeavors!
- Phil, CEO of LeipzigBeatzz

Final thoughts on cross-platform app development

When developing apps, we use the latest technologies to ensure that your app can withstand large numbers of users. You can find out more about this on our subpage

Von jedem Business mit Online-Auftritt werden Nutzer künftig auch eine hochwertige App erwarten. In diesem Wettbewerb werden “mobile Versionen” irgendwann nicht mehr bestehen können. Wer sich keine Native Apps für jede Plattform leisten können, wird um Cross-Platform-Mobile-Apps nicht herumkommen. Buche jetzt einen Termin mit uns und gehöre zu den Trendsettern, statt der Konkurrenz hinterher zu laufen!

Jump to the next level with us!

We are convinced that you can achieve more with teamwork than an individual could ever do. That is why we have collected a few answers to the most common questions about this concept below.
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What are the costs of cross-platform development?

How can Knguru's cross-platform development benefit my business?

Why should I hire Knguru for cross-platform development?