May 29, 2024

Native app or web app? Decide which is more suitable for your app idea.

Decision-making aid: Native app or web app for your idea?

Would you like to develop your own app, but are unsure which technology is best?

The decision to develop your own app is an exciting step. But before it starts, one of the most important decisions has to be made: Should there be a native app or become a web app? Each of these technologies has its own advantages and disadvantages and may be the better choice depending on the objectives and requirements of your project. In this article, we'll look at the key differences between native apps and web apps to help you choose the right technology for your project. Whether you want maximum performance, wide accessibility, or a cost-effective development aim — here you can find out which option is best for your needs.

What is a native app?

Native apps are specialized applications that are developed for specific operating systems such as iOS or Android and are installed directly on the smartphone. These apps are programmed by trained developers and are only compatible with the operating system for which they were developed.

By installing them directly on the device, native apps can optimally access hardware functions such as camera, GPS and acceleration sensors. Native app development offers numerous benefits, particularly in terms of design, functionality, and performance. For the development of iOS apps, for example, the Objective-C programming languages, React Native and uses Swift, while Android apps usually use frameworks such as Java or Kotlin.

These specific development environments make it possible to fully utilize the capabilities of each operating system, resulting in improved performance and a smoother user experience. Popular examples of native apps that benefit from these benefits include WhatsApp, Instagram, and Google Maps. These apps illustrate how powerful and easy to use native apps can be when developed and optimized specifically for an operating system.

What is a web app?

Web apps are highly optimized web applications that have been specifically designed for use on smartphones and other mobile devices. They run in a web browser and are therefore platform-independent, which means that they work on various devices without specific adjustments. This universality means that web apps only have to be developed once and can then run on any device, regardless of the operating system.

Since web apps are developed like traditional websites, they use established web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and frameworks such as React.js. This significantly reduces development effort and costs. However, this can also result in limitations in terms of performance, functionality, and overall usability compared to native apps developed directly for specific operating systems.

Visually, web apps can barely differ from native apps and often offer a very similar user interface. A major advantage of web apps is that they do not have to be downloaded via app stores, but are accessible directly via the browser. Typical examples of such applications include the mobile version of Facebook or Google Docs, which offer users access to important functions without the need for a download. These features make web apps an attractive option for developers and companies looking for a cost-effective solution to reach a broad user base.

Web app vs. native app — which is suitable for what?

Native mobile apps are specialized applications that are developed for specific operating systems such as iOS or Android and are installed directly on the smartphone. These apps use the programming languages of the respective operating system to provide optimal performance and user experience.

You have full access to the mobile device's hardware, such as the camera, GPS, and accelerometer. Popular examples include WhatsApp, Instagram, and Google Maps.

In contrast, web apps are highly optimized web applications that are designed for use on mobile devices. They run platform-independently in the browser and do not have to be downloaded.

Web apps use technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. However, their functionality is often limited compared to native apps. Examples of prominent web apps include Google apps such as Google Docs and Google Drive, communication tools such as Zoom and Skype, and entertainment platforms such as Spotify and YouTube. Native apps are the better choice when it comes to performance, deep integration into the device's operating system, and a high level of usability.

Apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp and the McDonald's app are specifically developed for specific operating systems and offer access to hardware components, which enables optimized performance. They are particularly useful when companies are looking for strong user engagement and a personalized experience.

Some advanced web apps, known as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), such as those from Starbucks and Uber, offer an experience that is very close to that of native apps. They are accessible directly via the browser and do not require any download, which significantly lowers the hurdle for use. This demonstrates how PWAs can bridge the gap between web and native apps.

On the other hand, there are performance-intensive applications such as games (e.g. “Clash of Clans”) or social media (e.g. “Snapchat”), which benefit significantly from native development to ensure optimal performance and user experience.

The decision between a web app and a native app depends heavily on the specific requirements of the project. While web apps are valued for their rapid development and wide availability, native apps offer unmatched performance and deep integration, which is essential for specific applications.

Examples of prominent web apps include

  • Google apps such as Google Docs and Google Drive
  • Communication tools such as Zoom and Skype
  • Entertainment platforms such as Spotify and YouTube.

In contrast, Native apps The better choice when it comes to performance, deep integration into the device's operating system and ease of use.

  • instagram
  • whatsapp
  • McDonald's app

are specifically developed for specific operating systems and provide access to hardware

Native app vs. web app costs — which is cheaper?

In summary, the choice between a native app or a web app depends heavily on the specific requirements of the project. Here are the key points about costs:

  • Native apps that are developed for specific operating systems, such as iOS or Android, usually require higher development costs. Each operating system must be developed separately, which increases effort and costs.
  • Web apps, on the other hand, run cross-platform in the browser and only need to be developed once. As a result, the development costs for web apps are often significantly lower than for native apps.
  • -Simple web apps can be implemented for just a low five-digit amount, while a native app that covers all operating systems requires at least double the amount of a simple web project.
  • However, web apps often have limitations in terms of functionality and integration with device hardware compared to native apps.
  • If advanced features or deep hardware integration are required, investing in a native app may be a better choice despite the higher costs.

Ultimately, the decision between native app and web app depends heavily on project requirements, budget and desired functionality. Native apps offer more options, but are more expensive to develop.

The costs of developing an app can vary significantly, depending on the chosen technology: native apps or web apps. Native apps developed for specific operating systems, such as iOS or Android, require separate development for each system. This can increase costs, as individual adjustments, tests and optimizations are necessary in each case.

As a result, development costs for native apps are usually higher. For the unfolding For a native app that covers all operating systems, you have to plan at least twice the amount of a simple web project, and depending on the complexity and scope of the project, the costs can rise even further.

In contrast, web apps that run in browsers across platforms are often less expensive to develop. Since web apps can have less functionality and complexity and only need to be developed once for multiple platforms, development costs are usually significantly lower. Simple web apps can be implemented for just a low five-digit amount.

Although web apps can be cheaper to develop, there are certain limitations in terms of functionality and opportunities for deep integration into the device ecosystem that can be achieved with native apps. Therefore, if you have app ideas that require advanced features or deeper integration with the device that doesn't enable web technology, then investing in a native app might be a better choice.

Comparing advantages and disadvantages: Native apps vs. web apps

Benefits of native apps:

  • Better performance and faster speed
  • Access to full device features
  • Work offline

Disadvantages of native apps:

  • Higher costs and longer development times
  • Separate updates required for different platforms

Benefits of web apps:

  • Platform independence
  • No installation required
  • Easier and cheaper maintenance

Disadvantages of web apps:

  • Limited access to smartphone features
  • Often worse performance compared to native apps
  • Dependence on Internet connection

Trend estimation: Which technology does the future belong to?

The trend is towards hybrid apps that combine the benefits of web and mobile applications. Progressive web apps (PWAs) offer a native user experience and can be installed on the home screen, similar to native Android apps. At the same time, they are web-based and can be used across platforms. 1PWAS close the gap between web and native apps by being able to access device hardware.

However, there are still challenges such as a lack of qualified developers for this relatively new technology.1 The conclusion is that native apps offer the best performance and functionality, but are more expensive. Web apps are cheaper, but with limitations. Hybrid solutions such as PWAs combine the advantages of both approaches and could be the future of app development.

Conclusion: Native app or web app? A question of requirements and budget

The choice between a native app and a web app depends heavily on your specific needs and requirements. If performance and functionality are paramount and you don't want to make any compromises, then we recommend developing a native app again in 2023. This option is ideal if your app needs complex features and should offer the best possible user experience.

However, there are situations in which developing a mobile web app can be a more sensible, efficient and cost-effective alternative. This is particularly the case when cost and flexibility are your primary concerns. Web apps offer the advantage that they work across platforms and thus enable wider accessibility without the need for multiple development for different operating systems.

In order to make the right decision for you, it is important to consider carefully which functions your app needs and what expectations your target group has. A personal consultation can be very helpful here to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches and to reach a well-founded decision. At Applaunch, we are happy to help you analyze your specific needs and find the best solution for your project together.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Louis Nell
CEO Knguru Studios
Moin ich bin Louis, kreativer Kopf und Gründer von KNGURU Studios. Wenn wir einmal anfangen über Technik, Startups oder Produktdesign zu quatschen kannst du dir sicher sein, das es so schnell kein halten mehr gibt. Deswegen gibt es auch mittlerweile diesen Blog in dem ich meine Reise als Startup- und Agenturgründer dokumentiere.
Vera Große
UX Management
Hi, ich bin Vera! Meine Verantwortung liegt im Bereich Projektmanagement und Kundenbetreuung. In diesem Blog teilen wir nicht nur unsere Erfahrungen als Startup- und Agenturgründer, sondern auch unsere Begeisterung für kreative Ideen und visionäre Konzepte.Mit Expertise und Leidenschaft arbeiten wir daran, innovative Projekte zum Leben zu erwecken und gleichzeitig unsere eigene Reise zu dokumentieren.

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